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This is something I don't understand.


Titanfall, as it stands, is a game with no SP. And it proudly demonstrate that it has only online MP mode. So there's no need to critisize the game for the lack of offline campaign. Those of you who complain, this game is not aimed for you.


The million of people who bought MAG were proud of the purchase. Even if you can't play on it anymore, the memories, the excitement, the good amount of joyness playing it are there. Those consumers didn't ask for a singleplayer mode, and MAG didn't offer one because it didn't want to offer one.


Those who complained (anyone complained?) about MAG lacking singleplayer didn't understand that the game wasn't marketed to them. Those who complain about Titanfall lacking singleplayer don't understand that the game isn't marketed to them. "What if"s don't apply here, as it won't change a thing. Neither did with MAG.