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mesoteto said:

@Kas--i am not talking about religon or anything i am simply using god as an example b/c its easy to point at him and not believe...

lets switch to big foot---you can not believe in one but if walking thru the woods some day a giant man ape thing came up to you and say "hey did you see me in that henderson movie"--wouldn't that be a radical belief changer?

You know what?  I'd say no to that too.  First off, if it spoke English I'd think it was some guy with some growth disorder. Or one of those people with hair covering their entire body... a very large one.

But if it was just a bigfoot (or Sasquatch to use the Canadian term) then likely I'd be inclined to believe it at first, but then as no one else did since I didn't capture it, and my film is 'obviously faked' over time I'd begin to question it myself.