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mai said:
Kasz216 said:
mai said: claims that Saakashvili is officially in Ukrainian HQ as an "expert in military operations against Russian army". I'm not sure how trustworthy his sources (the guy lives in Ukraine, I used to read him on topics about energetics, energy markets etc. -- he wrote good stuff from layman's point of view -- but it's all about Ukrainian crisis now), but if true... this's f**king farce (let alone how much of an "expert" he possibly could be). Though  if I'm not mistaken  CNN has interviewed Georgian ex-president recently, a man responsible for starting a war not so many years a go, so I'm probably expecting too much from Ukraine.


Not even you can believe that.   At least, not unless you don't care about staying consistant.

What exactly you're arguing here? The fact he has started a war or the fact he was interviewed by CNN recently?

The first obviously.  This whole thread you've talked about not believing in mainstream media reporting and focusing on what people on the ground said.

And the few reporters and people that were on the ground the time and were reporting, and who were shut out of the Mainstream media, said the Ossetians started shelling first.

The thing you cite is exactly the kind of thing you would normally mock as political tricks.  With possibly the only difference being at this time the report came at  time when the west was trying to make warmer relations with Russia.

Espiecally considering that the investigation starts about a week after the mutul shelings started.  Which is glazed over in that report.


The Georgians were the first to cross the border with troops, but the war started long before.


Although if you do wish to cite such a document as authortative it should be mentioned that it would specifically suggest that Russia is in the wrong in the Ukrainian case and should withdraw it's troops.


I can see how you can claim Russia was right on one or the other, not both.