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Torillian said:
morenoingrato said:
Torillian said:

To be fair, if you don't want people to say "Xbone owners claimed _____ about _____" you shouldn't repeat that claim ad nauseum and have it in your signature to rile people up.  That's just your own damn fault.


Are you actually blaming all the trolling, flaming and derailing on his excitement?

Wow. I am speechless.

I'm telling him that if he doesn't want people to say "Xbone owners claimed Titanfall would be game of the generation" he shouldn't say it again and again whether or not it's in jest.  

Simple as that.

If people take the GOTG thing seriously... It isn't his fault people are dense. Look at the sig, it's clearly a joke. He quotes himself 3 times in it.  The gen is only a few months in...  


Edit: Just as I post this cura puts in a GOTG post... Not intended to be aimed at you, just poor timing.