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The title should explain what I'm talking about. It's a common ploy.

Random person shows that they have no interest in:

Metal Gear Solid
Dragon Quest
Wii Sports
Gran Turismo

Or any other title (those happen to be particularly popular choices), and thereby they believe that game matters less than their personal favorites. Statements such as: "How can you overlook the Wii's great titles this winter, with Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Brothers, and Super Mario Galaxy? The PS3 has nothing to compare to it!" are common, and rely on the poster 1) loving Nintendo games and 2) not caring about any of the significant PS3 exclusive titles coming this winter. Someone could easily turn this around say: "How can you overlook MGS4? What about Uncharted: Drake's Fortune?" without giving any credit to the Nintendo titles listed above. 

In short, a good deal of argument arises from these issues. People completely underestimate the value of the games they don't personally enjoy, and overestimate the improtance of the ones they do.">">