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kowenicki said:
Torillian said:
J_Allard said:
Torillian said:

To be fair, if you don't want people to say "Xbone owners claimed _____ about _____" you shouldn't repeat that claim ad nauseum and have it in your signature to rile people up.  That's just your own damn fault.

Never repeated it ad nauseum and it's in my sig as a joke as it's widely known to not be serious. Sorry, I can't wrap my head around the idea that posters are somehow not to blame for speaking in generalities and painting everyone with a broad brush.

Posters shouldn't paint things with a broad brush in general, you are correct.  They should be saying "J_Allard claimed this game would be game of the generation".  But you yourself shouldn't be surprised when someone makes that broad strokes statement as you yourself are the one who specifically said it.  

If I go around predicting that PS4 will sell 300m units as a joke or not and when it doesn't someone says "Sony fans claimed it would sell 300m units" then those people are wrong for painting things with broad strokes, but I'm the reason they did so in the first place so part of the blame lies with me as well.  


I thought generalisations were bannable... I've certainly been banned for it.  "Sony fans..."

This thread is an absolute disgrace.   A free for all...

The part following "Sony fans" was probably the reason for your ban.