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Slarvax said:

Hear me out! Yes, I know Nintendo needs 3rd party support to survive, and yes, I know that if we want that to happen, we'll have to buy 3rd party games... But they're not respecting us! They did release AC IV on time, and there's no excuse for that game to sell as bad as it did and that is our fault... But with WatchDogs, we're not only getting it in a "possible" 2014 date! We'll probably get the last gen version of it, or even worse! I'm not saying that we should get the definitive version, but if they're delaying to concentrate on the important console (AKA they don't care about us!), then we should, at least... at least get a better value for the game! It's not like a time exclusive, or a delay to make a simultanous release (like they did with Rayman Legends), they just thought: "Let's fuck those Nintendo fans, because they don't already get enough of that!"

And if you NEED to have WatchDogs, get it on another system or used... Don't let them take advantage of you! I prefer no 3rd parties over greedy and egocentric devs.

EDIT: I feel you guys didn't understand me. I'm no trying this to get better or more support, I'm trying it because I can't put up with what they did! Imagine you have an Xboxone/PS4, and you're version of FFVX was delayed seven months to have a simultaneous release with Wii U (I said imagine!)... It makes you angry, right? Well, to make it up to you, they delay your KHIII version with a vague "possible" 2015 release date, because they want to release the iimportant versions first, AKA they don't care about you!

You ever stop to think maybe it is because ACIV did not sell well that Ubisoft does not want to waste time putting to much effort into the Wii U version when it will certainly sell the least amount of copies? Also the Wii U in terms of power is closer to the PS3/360 than the PS4/One.