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Given the 40% was for UK which is much more 360 centric that rest of Europe, I don't think this looks like translating to much of a difference going forward.

My bet is that most of rest of Europe won't see as big a spike and that sales will level off down close to where they were before drop.

When GT5:P hits the PS3 will likely make up whatever ground it losses to the price cut plus extra.

Sure a lower price will drive some more sales - but I just don't think enough demand is present in Europe/Others for 360 even at lower price vs strong demand for Wii and rising demand for PS3.

Still... could be wrong... next 2 weeks will tell all regarding impact of price change.

BTW am I alone in thinking the 'didn't have time to advertise' is a bit lame.  That means they rushed the change rather than had everything prepared.  After mistiming supply recently admiting you rushed a price cut simply gives another example of not running the ship as well as you could.  It also implies to me that their is an element of 'knee jerk' reaction in the price cut - anyone else think this?


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...