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I've gotten into quite a few beta weekends over the past year, and while several kinks have been ironed out with each new beta phase, I'm still not convinced that The Elder Scrolls Online is worth a subscription from me yet. I think the game's best achievement is its combat, which manages to bring something fresh into the MMO market. On the other hand, the game doesn't seem to have the polish that Star Wars: The Old Republic had during its beta phases (I actually enjoyed TOR quite a bit, although I'm no longer a subscriber).

I think the worst part about ESO is that it doesn't really convey the same amount of wonder while exploring that the main series is able to do. Of course, my experience is limited to only the first few zones in the game, so that may improve, but at least for now, I haven't been impressed by the exploration.

I'm personally more excited about the idea of a next-gen TES: VI, which I fear may not be announced for at least another few years.