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Onimusha, sounds like you're having the same problem as I am. I'm guessing Duon is that robot with 2 different sides to him, and he is a pain. I've had little luck with him(on intense). I'm just going to keep plugging away at it until one day it finally happens. I'm also going to be trying out different characters and looking online for more tips. The only ones that give me any problems on intense are the large mechs and sometimes Ridley. The Hands, Petey, Porky, and the dragon thing are usually a breeze(but the dragon does give me problems sometimes).

Porky isn't a problem for me on intense. Just about an hour ago I killed him on intense without getting hit using the Toon Link down+A method. In between stabs you can use the analog stick to change direction while you're in the air and still striking. So as long as he doesn't do that deal where he scurries sideways real fast, it should work fine.

I don't think I'll have a problem with Tabuu once I get there. I've read he has a few one hit kills on intense, but I handled him with no problem on very hard. The only time he hit me was with the flurry of needles(for 18% damage).

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."