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I tried Toon Link on Intense. At first I was pleasently surprised. Then I realized it was impossible to get any consistancy in the battle results. I've tried maybe 15 times and so far I've only been able to make it 7 matches.

Petey Pirhana is fine. (You can't keep jumping on him though, you need to beat him the old fashioned way)
Master Hand is fine.
Crazy Hand is fine.

Meta Ridley is manageable
Ridley is manageable

Rayquaiza is unpredictable and the results vary (any tips would help)
Goleom is unpredictable and the results vary (any tips would help)
Porky is a pain in the ass (any tips would help)

Duon is the hardest, there is no certain way to fight him. I need help with him big time.

I haven't even gotten to Taboo yet, god only knows.

Maybe you know how to use Toon Link in some way I don't but there is no way you're going to beat Intense with him unless you're extremely lucky.


I see two players can do this, that would help greatly if only I had a second person to play with.

It would seem Lucas is the way to go though.

Obviously the player is a Japanese super gamer, but this looks like something anyone can use.