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Quite a long read...and a title that spells flame bait. TC whoever you are, if you're not trying to bait other console owners into laughing at Wii owners please think before you write a title...
some of us who haven't even said anything about stockpiling.... I own a Wii and have a small amount of posts (so you can check them all and indulge in my wisdom), none of them say "Wii is stockpiling" but a title like this automatically draws any curious Wii owner in. Suggestions would be "Was Nintendo Stockpiling for Brawl?" and perhaps in the body you can ask If not where did the Wii's go, or why such low sales for certain weeks.
Anywho my take on this? If and IF Super Smash Brothers Brawl completely sold out of software in NA. Than what's the point of extra Wii units being shipped...Than again I guess people would want to buy the console first before the game...but surely there are people that probably don't want the Wii unless they can have Brawl. So in my opinion Nintendo's loss of sales does exist, but not as much (assuming SSBB sold out)
So Nintendo played a bad inning, it happens, can you honestly say you've never been fragged in a CS game? Gotten a dying streak in CoD4? Gotten owned by your friend's clan in a CS tournament...and you didn't even know they played and were in Cal I....

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-