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It's very good but they overdid trying to force in action/speed for an audience with supposedly short attention spans and didn't given enough time/space to really selling the immensity of the environment (which Boyle clearly wanted to do a'la 2001) and the theme - which is a pity as I think it hurt the film as it landed in the middle between too much action/flaws for the smart SF crowd and too intelligent for the popcorn crowd.

They needed to setup the ending a lot better too - again, not wise to have a weak pot at a 2001 style ending unless you've really thought out what you're showing.

Still, nice to see a real SF film rather than the popular 'fake' SF films that are really fantasy films. I agree that this film deserves a bigger audience as its strenghs do outweigh the flaws, and the design is nice if a little Alien/2001 - but that's not a bad pedigree to follow.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...