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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
bunch of stuff


1. I already understand you can make excuses for Sony, there's no need to show it off in this thread. Yes, lots of stuff gets hacked in the online world. How many from huge corporations like Sony due to sheer ignorance and negligence? It's not hard. The point is, if they actually had no idea their security was so weak, that's just as bad as knowing it is and doing nothing about it. That's how the real world works, friend.

2. So you have no answer. Thanks.

3. Your list is laughable and selective. See, this is the point. You're making all these claims and opinions on things, but others could do the exact same thing for you. For example, you put "blu ray player" on PS3, but "mandatory kinect" on Xbone. Why? Because you view one better than the other. Makes the whole list not even really worth responding to, I outgrew list wars on GameFAQS back on my Dreamcast.

4. LOL uh.. what? These people bitching online about the policies are the same people not preordering the console. Again, it's not hard.

5. Yet they didn't get away with it.

6. Thanks, I can just paste the #5 response here and it applies perfectly. Yet they didn't get away with it.

Not going to bother responding any more, cool opinions broseph but what you're basically saying is company fans are company fans but in typical company fan fashion you're trying to make one side look worse than the other. It's funny to read.