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soccerdrew17 said:
what game is better, wii play or resistance? hands down the better overall game is resistance. it has a more full experience. that is not saying that what wii sports does is bad, it could mean that wii sports does its few things really well.

That is a pretty good comparison - and comes to the "heart" of what reviewing a title is about.

The score that a reviewer gives a game is completely subjective - its what THEY think of the game.

Now - by definition - game reviewers are pretty much hard-core gamers. They have played so many games, and so many styles of gameplay - its only big titles, with polished graphics, complex/clever storylines (etc) that will attract great scores from them.

I have NEVER seen a reviewer base a score on what they think someone else (i.e. casual gamers? non gamers?) would think of a game.


For the record, I think Wii Sports is EASILY the better game. Any game that my parents can play and enjoy, pretty much gets a perfect 10 in my opinion!



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