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soccerdrew17 said:
thats because wii sports has blatantly bad graphics. those graphics are appalling to me and im cool with old stuff. its gotta have the polish. dont care whether its all about style or being minimal, its gotta have the right polish. does a game like okami have bad graphics? actually it sorta does, but i consider it the most beautiful game i have played (yes above gears) because it has the right graphics.


Note: this isn't meant as any kind of flame.


I think you're confusing the terms bad graphics with the most up to date graphics (probably a better term for that but too tired to care).  Okami does not have bad graphics and it does not have the most up to date graphics.  Just because it doesn't push the max amount of poly's doesn't mean it has bad graphics.

 With something like Resistance (hate bringing this up again and a little off topic) it does push the limit on poly's but the game is ugly.  It doesn't have any style and all the designs are just boring.  With Wii Sports, it's very simple but very clean and that's exactly what they were going for.  Odin Sphere is a recent game that's probably one of the prettiest games I've seen in a long time but all it is is simple 2D sprites.  Is that bad graphics?  No.  Is it the most up to date uber realist graphics?  No.  Is that a bad thing?  No.


Anyways, I'll stop being off topic and bedtime.