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Toon Link kicks ass in Boss Battles. About half of the enemies you can repeatedly down+A on; this keeps you bouncing up and down on top of them until they move or do a certain strike that hits you. The only one it doesn't really work well on is the two-sided mech thing that uses melee attacks on one side, and projectile attacks on the other side. I haven't tried this with normal Link, but it may work as well.

To get by Tabuu's red rings of death, wait a split second when you see him appear in the background, then hold the block button, press down right after you see the attack begin. Keep the block button pressed and hit down a total of 3 times to bypass all the waves. You don't do it real fast, just a good 1, 2, 3 count should do it. Trust me, if you do it once you won't have any problems dodging it afterwards.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."