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ultima said:

Yeah, because it's really hard to google things, right? Also, government officials may never have other email addresses, right? Especially a country like Lithuania, with a lot of enemies wanting to get their greedy claws on their secrets. Hey, I'm not conclusively stating that the leaks were legit; however, the reason you give to refute them is horrible.

About Orange Revolution: the point is not that it may have been warranted (in addition, it being warranted is debatable). The point is that US was involved in the domestic issues of Ukraine. So claims of current involvement are not as outrageous as you try to make them out to be.

Why is the Black Sea Fleet stationed in Chrimea? Because that's where it's been historically, since 18th or 19th centry. They had the infrastructure there, and Russia did not have the funds to relocate after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. A naval base is not something you can load on a truck and move to a different location. Is that not obvious?

And Russia has been terrible to Ukraine? Really?1

And check that out: EU approved a $15B loan to Ukraine now. There goes your justification of previous EU offers. This says two things: EU had the money to cough up and that EU is more willing to help out the current renegade government, that was able to come to power thanks to street thugs who hired snipers and blamed the murders on the democratically elected officials.2

1-I guess the asinine natural gas price packaged for them by Gazprom is a token of being good "tovarishch".

2- How can you prove that?