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TornadoCreator said:
NewGuy said:
Dulfite said:

Watchdogs is my last hope for a Good third party game and port on Wii u other than Sega (which I'm beginning to feel like is more like a second party). To be honest, the Wii u has and is getting a TON of indie games along with epic first party ones and I think I would be perfectly happy playing just first party and indie games (plus Sega) and first party/third party collaborations. If watchdog port fails, I'm done. No more watered down garbage!

If Sega was more like a 2nd party, don't you think Yakuza Ishiin would have released on WiiU? Maybe even exclusively?

People keep talking about 2nd party developers... does no-one realise there's no such thing and that the statement doesn't make sense? In commercial ventures, the 2nd party is the customer. WE are the second party.

I think when people mention 2nd party they are talking about a company that has close ties with one of the HW manufacturers. It's still a flawed term though. I have heard some people still mentioning IGs as Sony's 2nd party when, in reality, they are developing an XBO exclusive right now.