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I'd like to raise a few issues with the conclusions you're drawing in the OP.

- "the audience of nintendo consoles have a bigger acceptance regarding jrpgs"

I'm wondering how you've come to that conclusion. I realise you explained it by reference to the PS3, but what on earth does that have to do with it? PlayStation =/= Wii. PS3 has shown itself as a place where HD JRPG's can sell decently enough (only console with a non-Final Fantasy HD JRPG to sell > 1m); Wii and especially Wii U haven't shown this yet. Why not draw some parallels between Xbox 360 and Wii instead?

Tales of Vesperia 360 - 290k NA; 150k Europe
Tales of Symphonia 2 Wii - 200k NA; 30k Europe

Lost Odyssey 360 - 430k NA; 250k Europe
The Last Story Wii - 260k NA; 120k Europe

Two slightly better comparisons to draw - one Tales of comparison; one "exclusive JRPG by Mistwalker" comparison.

Now of course, there are still problems with these, such as when in each console's life they came out etc. etc., but they provide a damn site better picture than comparing PS3 to 360 and then drawing a parallel to WiiU with it.

There's also the kicker of Japan. Without a shadow of a doubt, these games would do better in Japan on WiiU than they could on XB1. But I'd also say that PS4 will hoover up the vast, vast majority of these games' sales in that territory and I think that's something Square Enix probably took into consideration.

As such, I wouldn't really say that Nintendo console owners are particularly more receptive to JRPG's than Xbox console owners. Or certainly, not in terms of home consoles. Wii didn't manage to sustain a million selling JRPG and WiiU has nothing on the horizon to instill any confidence in that changing other than the fact that X is coming.

- "On another perspective, vgc US preorders have FF15 with 28k on ps4 and 9.5k on Xone. Wii U titles of smaller franchises had and are having a better performance than that."

I know I sound like a broken record for saying this, but VGC pre order numbers are crap. Absolute guesswork. I love what VGC does for trying to correlate and collect data on things we don't have, but the USA pre-order charts are not its strong point. Especially for games without a release date, such as these two.

All in all, I think Kingdom Hearts would've been a better choice to put on WiiU than Xbox 1. But I think either version would pale by a large amount in comparison to PS4 sales, so really Square Enix could've picked wherever so long as PS4 was the main platform. If porting to X1 is easier, then the decision of which other platform to go after was an obvious choice.