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Downloaded it on Xbone this morning and have been playing for 4 hours or so straight. The first thing that jumps out at you is the style. It's like Peggle in a sense that underneath the solid gameplay there is a unique art and design of the game that really adds another layer of quality. I always assumed PvZ was some cheap shovelware stuff from PC but it's blatantly obvious tons of time and care went into making this.

I haven't tried Garden Ops, only tried a lot of TDM and some mode kind of like Rush in Battlefield. It's really cool how each plant or zombie has their own abilities and roles and they all mesh together. And the ability to earn coins to buy packs of cards to unlock more stuff is pretty genuis. I don't see any microtransactions, which is a good thing, I am addicted to the game and might have been swayed to buy some.

I feel kind of bad for the game releasing a couple weeks before mother fucking Titanfall, but this seems like it could be a nice change of pace not so serious type game. If anyone has it and wants to play add my GT: Cpt RonCodpiece