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Youre on a Sony dominated website so it is safe to say that is going to be the majority of your answers.

It depends on what you like though.

So far XBO has Killer Instinct, Forza 5, Ryse, Max The Curse of Brotherhood, project spark, Dead Rising 3, and Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare.

It also has Sunset Overdrive, TitanFall, Halo, Fable, Quantum Break, Gears of War to be confirmed coming to it so far.

Ps4 has Killzone, Knack, Resogun, Outlast, and some older free to play games like Blacklight.

It also has Uncharted, infamous, Drive Club, and The Order confirmed so far.

Xbox One has the perk of having kinect and being a great multimedia hub. It is pretty cool controlling netflix without ever touching a button

PS4 has the perk of being a more powerful console

With all that said they both have perks, they both have some good exclusive libraries, and both looki like they have a promising future. You'll have to make the choice rather than listening to other people with biased mindsets.