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DKII said:
Ding! You gained a skill point in Cherry Picking!

 Please explain... Cherry picking usually means leaving something out... not adding everything in.


How would you compare all sales of full-fledged consoles by Nintendo, MS and Sony?  I guess we could leave out MS and go back as far as when Sony first entered the console area...  But I think those numbers would favor Sony even more.

 I choose the time frame of when all 3 "next gen" systems have been out... and even added an extra year (to benefit MS) for good measure.


I would think adding in handhelds which 1.) are a totally different types of devices, 2.) only two of the players even make them, and 3.)  Sony only has one generation of history to look at would have been cherry picking.

And is there any question who is most dominant in handheld sales?  I don't think so...


But back to console gaming... 


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