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SamuelRSmith said:
luinil said:
Just curious what your definition of a cult is SamuelRSmith... they usually have you do some really weird crap. I don't see that happen with my church. But don't take my word for it! (LaVar Burton FTW!)

People all chanting along in the same monotone voice to someone that they're told is their superior. Being threatened with 'hell' if they don't attend. Eating and drinking somebody (that whole bread and wine thing). Immersing people in water to accept them into the religion/cult. People all praying.

Just gives me the heeby-jeeby's. 

Doesn't sound like my church... None of the churches I've attended as a member have ever had chanting, a person up front who thinks they're superior, threatened us with hell for not attending. And the communion is symbolic (Jesus said, "Do this in rememberence of me"). It's just a reminder of his sacrifice, nothing weird- Unless you believe in transsubstatiation, which is the belief that communion actually turns into his body and blood. That's mostly a Catholic belief. Baptism is concidered symbolic also, or kind of like a contract, much like signing a contract or something like that (bad example, I know).

I can understand praying giving you the heeby jeebies . It can seem strange to someone who's not used to it. However, I can't deny it's power because I've seen it work countless times.

maybe you have a slightly one sided view of what church is due to your personal experiences?