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DanneSandin said:
ninetailschris said:
DanneSandin said:
ninetailschris said:
stabface said:
Conservatives gonna be conservative

The prime minister is apart of the moderate party. Are you extremely bias or something? 



Sweden is very communist based on the research I did on it. Look at its homeschool policy that made people actually leave the country.

LOL!? Very communist based? No. It's true that we're a socialist country, but socialism =/= communism. Just wanted to straight that one out for ya!

Read my post. Never did I say it was communist because of socialism. I said because of laws like on homeschooling in the country. The laws seem very much like Stalin. Next time read my post careful instead of reading between the lines.

And I'm telling you that your research is wrong. You said it was, and I quote; "Very communist based", which just isn't true. I also think I've adressed the school issue in another post in this very thread. The laws here is nothing at all like those in Stalin's Soviet. I just assumed you got socialism and communism mixed up, but you clearly think you know the difference between the two, which leads me to believe you've done very poor research on Sweden, or that you didn't quite understand what you read. Either way, I would have kinda prefered if you mixed up socialism and communism; that'd be more forgiving.

EDIT: But lets not derail this thread any further

"Legal status of homeschooling: A new education act came into effect July 1, 2011 that has effectively banned homeschooling. Homeschooling is only allowed with the permission of municipal (kommun) authorities in “exceptional circumstances.” Families who had been home educating successfully for many years prior to 2011 were suddenly denied permission and threatened with the social authorities and fines of up to 20,000 euros per child and year. This has led to Swedish home educators fleeing Sweden to other nearby countries where home education is permitted."

Hslda has been around for over 20 years and is respected nonprofit organization that looks into countries homeschooling practices.

Now I don't know about you but forcing child to only learn by the public state and not letting the parenets have the ability to teach there child sounds like nanny state. Where the state wants complete control of your child teaching and to even charge parents a huge fine if they want to. Parents are afraid to homeschool there children in fear that the government will punish them. Does that sound like stalin state school policy?

Homeschooling family fined 15 000 USD by the Swedish Supreme Court

Parents Fight To Regain Custody of Homeschooled Son

"But the people who took him weren't kidnappers or terrorists -- they were Swedish police officers operating under orders from social service agencies. And social services ordered them to seize the boy—not to prevent him from being physically or sexually abused—but for being homeschooled. At least, that's the official reason they gave when they grabbed him and hauled him off the plane."

Not communist here. It's normal to take people children away for homeschooling. 

Funny how you told me I'm wrong with no argument or proof only "oh you did bad research." Based on an assertion.

I have more on the country and there very much a problem in sweden when it comes to laws that are very undemocractic. You can deny it but the facts are out there.

By the way the topic is on topic because it's talking more unlawful laws by Sweden.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max