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DareDareCaro said:
Nice! My first platinum was Killzone 2 and my 50th will be Killzone:SF… You see what I did?

Nicely done. My first platinum was "Naughty Dog's new IP" Uncharted Drakes Fortune. My 100th platinum was another "new Naught Dog IP" in the The Last of Us. I'm reaching aren't I? I think The Last of Us is quite possibly the best game of the PS3's generation and next to Journey and Uncharted 2 I can't think of any other games that won more Game of the Year awards. Damn, I still need to play the Left Behind DLC!

Just got Lone Survivor: The Directors Cut on Vita for plat #114. I'd definitely recommend it and make sure to play with headphones at night as it really adds to the bizzare and trippy atmosphere! It was just announced that its coming to PS+ for PS3 in North America this month along with Tomb Raider and Thomas Was Alone. I'd say all are worth playing (if you have the time). Just don't bother with Tomb Raider's multiplayer.

And  with LoS 2 getting bad reiews, the final retail game I will buy on PS3 is South Park the Stick of Truth. From the first 9 minutes of gameplay that I saw so far the reviews won't stop me from buying it. It looks hilarious!

This month I can't wait to play: Left Behind DLC, Outlast, South Park, MGS Ground Zeros, and Infamous Second Son.