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Einsam_Delphin said:
zorg1000 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
zorg1000 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
oniyide said:
for people who keep asking for the definition of saved. its right there in the OP. Being saved from GC like sales.


Like jeez people! If the OP and the Poll weren't enough to spell it out for yah, I even went and clarified what I meant after the first dozen people asked, but yet, you all still kept asking! xD

How much higher than GC does it need to go to be saved? Is 21.75m saved?

Has to be closer to N64 than GC, as then it's not GC-like sales, it's N64-like sales!

Alrighty, but why is GC doomed but N64 saved?

Because this thread is about Wii U and how it's currently doomed to sell less than the GC in the same time frame, but if it somehow turns things around and starts selling like the N64 or any other system really, then it'll have been saved from selling like the GC.

He has to be trolling. GC is universally regarded as a flop console, N64 not so much. Its common sense.