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So I downloaded the new content but before I got to play I had forgotten I was in Virmire so trying to beat that quick to head back out and give the new content a try. Well this is my third playthrough with this time being a bad guy and I was just given the option to kill one of my mates Wrex.  Well staying true with the bad guy role I killed him.  I thought it was going to be an actual fight but to actually see him get killed taking about 3-4 shots from shepard was pretty bad ass. I almost feel bad especially since it is about the 4th or 5th person I killed in cold blood with at least 2 more coming up still that I know off.  I did have the option of talking to him with the red dialog as I am max for chatting up but figure killing him would be more dramatic. Plus I just wonder how this will play out if Mass Effect 2 lets you continue your save files. I had stopped playing for a couple months but getting back into it and can't wait to try the new content.  This is still my favorite game on the 360 those far. It just looks so good, takes so long, and is just fun for me at least.  I am sure this is old news but just wanted to share the killing of Wrex.