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Both have their hits and misses. There are a lot more indie games. Indie games are a lot more confined in their focus, so if you find the ones that fit your taste then they are better. However tons of them aren't all that good to begin with and from the rest, most won't fit your taste. Pick up an AAA game in your general area of interest and you'll likely find something to like. With indie games it's much more hit and miss.

My recent experiences:

Thomas was alone, loved it
Rain, Cool mechanics, gets repetitive soon
Contrast: Cool mechanics, gets repetitive soon
Brothers, Tale of two sons, good for 1 quick playthrough
KSP, very addictive
FTL, average
Hotline Miami, hate it
Mirrormoon EP, interesting yet boring
Antichamber, fantastic

Certainly my completion rate with AAA games is much, much higher.