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thekitchensink said:
thetonestarr said:

Okay, there are a mess of possible AAA announcements.

It could be:

-Star Fox
-Animal Crossing
-Pokémon RPG
-Pikmin 3
-Donkey Kong Country IV

Given the way Star Fox has been going, I doubt it's that. Pilotwings is epic and wonderful, but not AAA enough, IMO. Donkey Kong Country IV would be more suitable as a WiiWare title.

With all that said, we're left with Animal Crossing, Pokémon RPG, and Pikmin 3 as possibilities. I never was a big fan of the Pikmin series (and the numbers show that most gamers weren't either), but I could be wrong about that one, so I left it in the mix. Still don't think it's quite epic enough, though.

PKMN RPG just doesn't sound quite that likely for a Q4 release - sounds more like a Q2 or Q3-type game. May be announced, but not released until next year.

That narrows it down to Animal Crossing Wii. Personally, I think it'll resemble Home in what you can do with it - hang out with friends, play minigames with them, etc. But it'll also have all the epic qualities of classing Animal Crossing. I think that they will release HDD abilities alongside Animal Crossing (as well as including that update on the game disc, and maybe even including an install option with the game for when you do have a HDD attached... I've got a LOT of reasoning behind this, but it's too long to include in this thread).

Given that Wild World has sold over 9 million copies to date, it's a very high possibility. Animal Crossing is a huge franchise for them now, with a freaking huge mess of possibilities. I'm putting my money on Animal Crossing.




 And if Zelda is announced, it'll be for Holiday Season '09... or later. There's no way they'll be releasing Wii Zelda this early in its lifespan, with Twilight Princess having been so recent.


I agree Zelda would be holiday '09, but disagree with your reasoning--TP came out in November '06, and this theoretical announcement would be in July '08.


I have a question that I haven't seen anyone ask yet: if they do release a hard drive (which I believe they will) will it have a patch for Smash Bros that allows you to save videos longer than 3 minutes?  Cuz I just had an epic, 20-minute 4-person match that I would've given ANYTHING to save.

 I think that's an absolute. The way Brawl points out the lack of video storage space ("Currently, you can only save videos up to three minutes" or something like that) tells me that they most certainly plan on remedying that issue. There may not even be a patch required. I'll bet that Brawl is programmed to read how much space is available, and base how much you can save off of that. I expect that, once SD usability + HDD compatibility is enabled, Brawl will sense either, see that there's now far more space available, and bam! Up to a half-hour at a time or something.


Also, my reasoning behind Zelda Wii... TP is still selling decently. Releasing a new Zelda would effectively destroy that title's legs. It'd put a near end to it. I think they would put that off.

Second, Ocarina of Time released about two fifths into the N64's lifespan, with Majora's Mask  releasing a full two years later. That was a little different, because both were later in the system's lifespan - Majora's Mask within the last year. In this case, TP released at the very beginning to draw attention to the Wii. With that said, I could only see them releasing TP this year if they plan on releasing a third Wii Zelda at the end of the Wii's lifespan. I don't see that being plausible. I see Wii Zelda being the last Zelda title to release for Wii, and with that said, they simply couldn't release it this early. That'd leave the rest of the generation fairly barren.

Third, I think Nintendo would want to take advantage of a larger install base. I think the next Wii Zelda would wait until next year, when a lot more hardcores are into the Wii (thanks to many titles releasing this year and maybe a couple at the beginning of next), to release and attempt to break the 10m mark (which I think it will).

 Fourth, Nintendo has a LOT of potential titles to use right now. They've got all sorts of IPs that they've either stated they are going to use, or that we simply know they WILL use. Knowing Nintendo, since they've already got a Zelda on the Wii, I'd expect them to work on and put out a variety of these other IPs first. Take advantage of their potential, then come back around and use Zelda again.

 Fifth, Zelda titles always take an extraordinary amount of time to make - Ninty really makes certain that each title is epic. They always put a lot of time into them. Phantom Hourglass just came out late last year, and I think they had all their Zelda people working on that alone. I don't think they'd have taken their Zelda guys and said, "Work on two different Zelda titles NAOW." Doesn't make sense. I expect they most certainly are working on Zelda Wii now, full-blast, but if they just started full-fledged work on it a few months ago, I couldn't see them already having their much larger Wii Zelda project anywhere near completion yet. Yes, I'm certain they had a few people working on Zelda Wii while PH was in development, as some people just weren't meant for PH work, and they were perfect for Zelda Wii. But I know they've got a lot of the same teammembers working on all Zelda titles, and a lot of those guys were putting their efforts into PH (which was well worth it, as I see PH to be the third best Zelda title, only behind OoT and LttP). 

 Sixth, it's just logical. Userbase will be quite large by winter '09 - up to the minimum 60m range, and as potentially high as 80m. The Zelda franchise will be cold by then - well in need of a new title. Nintendo will have exhausted a number of other, less popular franchises, and people will be crying out for something fantastic and huge. I'm calling it -  November 7, 2009 - the next Zelda's release date.



Claude: Millions of fans have been crying out for a new DKC title, and WiiWare is the best route for them to go for that. This is the best chance Nintendo has had to release a new classic DK title... it'd be foolish for them to not take advantage of that. And with the Wii surpassing the GCN's total installbase, it's got a LOT more potential with a PKMN title, especially if that PKMN title is done more like a handheld PKMN and less like XD.
