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I really don't get why people keep talking about things like DKC4 or Pokemon. Nintendo has shown no interest in keeping the Country line of Donkey Kong games alive since Rare left, and Pokemon has neverh ad a huge presence on consoles so forgive me if I find the idea of this big huge Pokemon MMO/whatever popping out of no where and plowing the industry over with nothing actually leading up to it.

Also, Nintendo isn't going to announce Zelda Wii at E3 if they're still following what Iwata said about announcing games only a few months before they're released. So far they've stuck to that concept with games like Soma Bringer going on sale 3-4 months after being announced. Announcing Zelda Wii a year and a half before it's released would go against this new policy and also doesn't fit the bill of Reggie described as something people would want THIS YEAR. Like I said, Retro Zelda: Most likely. Zelda Wii? Not quite.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"