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I was thinking about getting Godfather, but maybe I'll pick this up instead.

Scarface: The World is Yours was an impressive game on previous consoles, and it’s just as entertaining and immersive on Wii as ever before. IR control gives the game a more streamlined feel, and Wii owners that fit in the hardcore crowd will absolutely eat this one up, as it’s currently one of the deepest and most entertaining experiences on the system. And while the package is essentially GTA: Vice City with the Scarface license coated over it, we’ve actually had more fun exploring Miami than Vice City, as there’s more to do, better vehicle, weapon, and asset management, and nearly every hotspot from the movie is created brick for brick. When you explore Montana’s mansion, you’re in the mansion from the movie. When you head over to the beach-side club, the bartender recognizes you from the beginning of the first movie (the oh-so-famous “lizard tongue” scene, to be exact). Everything in Scarface fits with the movie, and while it suffers from the same open-world issues as GTA and the like – characters and items fade in, AI isn’t always the sharpest, and the world has a somewhat “unpolished” look to it – the control, immersion, and overall soul of the game is there. Scarface is a deep, engaging, mature title on Wii, and widely recommended to anyone who can handle its vulgar nature. Vice City, eat your heart out.