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Wright said:
ktay95 said:
Wright said:

I'd love to get this, but unfortunately, Bamco thinks that Vesperia is more than enough for 360 owners...

If you wanted more all you had to do was import 300k copies from Japan so it looked like Japan would buy Tales on 360 =P

What I'm really wondering is why they don't put an HD remaster on the 360 as well. I am not asking for main entries at this point (See: Xillia, Zestiria), but c'mon. Vesperia on 360 sold what, 500k? Still a good fanbase on which you can profit I'd say! D:

Yeah no, if you cant even get SQEX HD Remasters you cant expect it from smaller series. Seriously No KH1.5 or 2.5 and yet they will expect you to buy KH3

edit: if anything its WiiU owners being screwed. Its 2 Nintendo console games being remastered for PS3