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thekitchensink said:


I'm gonna have to disagree with you about the 'nothing like 2D to 3D thing anymore' subject, Naz, if devs soon start taking good advantage of the VR technology available on Wii. Here's how I see it: Almost every generation so far has either been a 'new idea' or a 'perfect that idea' 1. NES (didn't invent 2d, of course, but gave it mass appeal) 2. Genesis/SNES (Perfected 2d) BIG JUMP 3. N64/PS1/Saturn: Crude 3D, first attempt 4. GC/XBox/PS2: Perfect the 3D Now, here's why I say 'almost every gen' 5. 360/PS3: Make 3D even more perfect? The Wii really only seems to be following past trends here. 

For all those in this thread, if we're comparing PS1 3d and how it's aged to the SNES etc, why don't we compare the SNES to Space invaders. Thats pretty much the equivelent comparison. It's just not a fair one to judge. Especially for a transitioning technology. 2d only really hit perfection with the PS2/PS3/Xbox 360. We have a long way to go for perfection from 3d technology. We have years to go, at least 15-20 years before we can start patting ourselves on the back and saying that we've hit 3d perfection. 3d is at least a 1000 times harder than 2d is to "perfect". 

 If you don't think graphics progression is important, then how about you think of all the gameplay possibilities that open up when you improve the 3d world (Im using this instead of graphics, as "graphics" is more a 2d word). You can certainly do a lot more than with a 2d side scroller. 

 Do you wonder at all, why most FPS shooters happen to be in an enclosed building, or why most of the doors on Halo 1,2,3 were red and you couldn't open them? Why you can't just shoot through walls to open up new routes and why most FPS games whether inside or outside are just an endless coridoor with larger rooms? 

GT5P Is a perfect example of visual improvements at work. It IS important because people want to feel like they're racing the car against other cars, not some 20 pixel blob with an extra blob to look like a wing. Have you noticed the richness of the sound has improved? This adds to the immersion factor. 

Graphics can convey emotion better, for those RPG's and FPS's it can aid immersion by allowing the mind to sink into an artificial world. Could you imagine "The Matrix 1,2,3" being done on PS3/4 level of visual quality? Im sure you'd have had a lot more people waking up of their own accord.

Lastly is it correlation or causation between the increases in graphics and the increase in the size of the gaming market?

 Visuals have their place, they can aid and they can hinder a good game. But they are important.
