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UPDATE LIVE - HAZE impressions continuted.
March 16, 2008 at 6:41 pm | In Gaming |

Due to high demand here’s my second go on HAZE.

I decided to take more time on the second demo today and really concentrate on the gameplay elements. I also changed the difficulty settings to hard to get a true idea of what the AI is capable of, and also can now confirm that you can customise the controls to however you like and the sensitivity, so the control problems i found yesterday are a thing of the past.

At the start of the demo you start in area, getting attacked from various directions were you have to take out several of your enemy’s, now the Ai is impressive here they were flanking, and when you shoot at them or go towards them they will dive out of the way and into cover. Once you have taken care of them you and your 3 friendly’s jump into a car and you have to reach the other base camp. On your journey you will encounter your enemy who are throwing bombs at you as you drive past, and they have also placed explosives in the mountain side which if you go to close they explode. Once you get past that you get to a gate and you need to get out and find the lever to open it. (which if your interested is in the shed next to it), once through the gate you get into there base camp. Now if you make the mistake i made and get off the car, just before the enemy from a shed come full pelt in a car and try to ram you down while shooting at you. This is where the Ai really did shine, as i was trying to run away and shoot the car at the same time, it trys to cicrle you while others on the car are shooting at the same time. I did manage to get past it by taking out one at a time and having a bit of luck. I will say one thing for the visuals on this one, while the cars etc where well textured the landscape was a bit bland but saying that you are in a sort of desert environment so its not to surprising. Once you get past that you drive ahead and get to large shed where you find more enemy’s shooting at you, the best thing to do i found was to simply try and run them over, which is alot harder than it seems. In the end getting out and shooting worked well enough, however it came at the cost of 2 of my men and that about sums up the second demo. The 2nd time i played it today i focused on seeing how the necture add’s to the gameplay. The first thing i noticed was that the drug makes you move a bit faster and the enemy’s stand out more, this is very useful and i suspect will be vital for completing the first half of the game where you are a mantel trooper. There is a downside to using necter however. Firstly if you take to much at once, (which is known as an overdose) the screen will begin to blur making it harder to see your enemy’s, but not only that but it does it a little harder to notice who your own men our and i one point i ended up shooting my own allies by accident, so you need to make sure you don’t overdose. The other thing i noticed is that the play dead feature comes into place. Your enemys will click that you using necter and will play dead, now this is annoying as a side effect of necter is that you can’t see any dead bodies and while using necter you can walk through what you think is a safe area then all of a sudden people will appear and start shooting you. So thats another thing you need to be careful of.

Just one more thing i was asked by someone if HAZE would support mod’s and the answer i got today was its unlikey however they wouldn’t rule it out completey let.

Update - i have had alot of requests to mention the current framerate. I’m unaware of the actual framerate (however i believe its 30FPS), however whatever it wasit doesn’t matter as the demo’s i played where smooth and solid and did not notice any dips during gameplay at all. In my personal opinion its only when a framerate drops during gameplay that we have a problem

(someone has stated that Haze was "only" 30fps based on the demo :

Time to Work !