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Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:
MikeRox said:
Don't forget the original strategy wasn't a bogged down war lasting years and costing trillions. So saying "why would they spent XXXXX to only get XXX back isn't the full story.

I don't know what the Iraq was was for, but I know politicians (here in the UK too) really wanted it and it's now been proven that the UK parliament was misled to ensure it happened.

Sure it is.  Before we invaded the CBO calculated the cost of the Iraq war to be around 13 Billion dollars to deploy, + 9 billion a month.

So 21 Billion dollars.

Meanwhile, US companies are making 1 billion n a year in revenue on profit margins so low, they're doing everything they can to pull out.

So, assuming the war took 1 month, and everything was magically perfect, and nobody expected any complications past, invade, and everything is done as soon as we defeat their army...

it would take 21 years to match it in revenue.  Let alone profit.

Nevermind the fact that it ended up costing way more then that, even from the first month on... and the government had to of known it.  Since the limiting factors in the CBO's predictions were they didn't know how many troops we were going to mobilize etc.


The rosy predictions from the administration before the war started was 100 Billion.

So... Yeah.  100 year plan.


Not really a credible arguement.


Though that's the last i'll say on it since this arguement isn't even located in the right side of the world in regards to the thread topic... and argueing with people about this is like argueing with 9/11 truthers.

Just because the CBO says something does not mean that politicians listen, or interpret it correctly.

I think the war was motivated by oil only secondarily, and really was mostly about "finishing" the job that HW Bush started, but oil had to play a part.

Well yeah.  Cheney said it would be more expensive then what the CBO said however.  

I'd actually argue that "finishing the job" was the secondary reason.  The first being a naive belief that American military force could be used proactivly to make the world a better place via nation building pro-western democratic nations.

Iraq just became the most convient target because of the Gulf war.

Had this Venezuelian stuff been happening at the time, there is a very good chance that it woud of been the target.  However considering the climate.  I can't see the US getting too involved even though it's our "back yard".

I can't help but feel there is a good chance this becomes an Egypt like sitution all over again.  Too many bought off people, and fixing the Venezulian problem will take patience, and some cutbacks in popular programs to the "Chaviistas"