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The Ghost of RubangB said:

If the controls don't improve the gameplay experience, they're called "tacked on." Why is it that when graphics don't improve the gameplay experience, they're not called "tacked on?" I could just as easily call any PS360 game a game with gimped controls and tacked on graphics.

If a game has the best graphics in the world but bad gameplay, it sucks.
If a game has the best gameplay in the world but bad graphics, it's most likely the greatest game ever made.

They can improve the graphics in the sequel. Ha!

 @ the highlighted comments

that's not true at all. graphics are more then just character models, how envirorments look, etc.

poor graphics can effect a game just as negatively as poor controls. things like frame rate drops, anti aliasing, clipping, pop up, etc that can cripple a game if not kept under control.

i know you're a huge brawl fan, so let's go with that. if brawl didn't have a frame rate that held up, it would seriously detract from the experience. it would be just as bad as broken controls.

graphics are also very important as a means of conveying things like advanced movement, pyhics, realism (if you're into that), etc.

great, high tech graphics may not be necessary in order to have a great game, but competent graphics certainly are.