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dane007 said:
@Mike Rox. You are forgetting 3ds has Riddddddddddddddge Racer! lol, Need for speed. heres a list. There are but i can't remember all especialyl from DS as DS had lots of games.

The point is,, you gusy talk about the reason for why ps4 is selling and alot say because is more powerful ofr a cheaper price. Same goes for current gen comapre to Vita. Vita is seemed as portable home console there peopel compare the two. For most people,, portability is not enough. Why pay more a less powerful machine when you get more for less? Home consoles has better value for money and has a bigger library. Thats why 3ds is popular. Its underpowered compare to vbita but it has alot of games variety,, games that only come to 3ds plus is super cheap. In nz i can get a 2ds plus pokemon for 200nz plus. Where ps vita plus a game can easily be up to 500nzd . See the difference. thats not even including teh price of a memory card.

Oh I didn't forget. Ridge Racer 3D is an awesome title that everyone should buy! (I also have a 3DS though I sold a lot of my games for it post Vita)

As for Need for Speed, the 3DS port of Need for Speed: The Run is entirely why I'm baffled that people received Need for Speed: Most Wanted on Vita so negatively. One is a near identical version of the home console release, the other is so ludicrously cut  back and limited that it's a joke to want to charge full price for it.

In the UK, the Vita is actually cheaper than a standard 3DS, let alone 3DS XL, and that's including up to 10 games and a decent sized (16gb) memory card.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.