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Wright said:
adriane23 said:
kupomogli said:
Not as bad as WKC2. Servers had a couple thousand people online everyday and the servers were shut down less than two years.

Sony announced they were shutting down servers from WKC1 because most everyone was on WKC2, but D3 Publisher, the ones who published WKC2, announced they were going to close servers the same time WKC1 closed.

Either way you look at it, it's bad for Sony, but D3 Publisher is worse.

Yeah, that pretty much killed my incentive to finish WKC. Half the game is basically gone.

What? Why? Why is the online component so important?

The online quests and user created towns. Me and my brothyer were planning to do all the online quests with our created companions, so that's basically out the window. The main game of WKC was extremely disappointing to me, and WKC2 is basically WKC1 in reverse with one extra town.

I am the Playstation Avenger.