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As a woman, I can tell you that I don't care if a protagonist is male or female. Yeah, I do feel like I'm in a boy's club whenever gaming is involved, but a simple cover is not going to change anything. To be honest I have no idea what would draw in the ladies but female protagonists that look they belong on the cover of Maxim is not it.

The Sims seems to have that magic something that brings women in. I bet games like SimCity and Theme Hospital have a good chance at attracting the ladies too. Too much FPS and shooter drive many away. Seriously, they think all games are violent. More story driven games with a little romance and a lot of mystery.

The ladies I know love BioWare games mostly because of the romance. As a girl it was Point and Click adventures that drew me in. Too bad they're gone. I might not have become a gamer were it not for them.