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Cthulhu said:
kowenicki said:

So you want us to generalise? (Not surprising given your incredibly silly sig with its massive generalisation).

I pick the third option, I don't understand why anyone would pic any other option to be honest.

I'll help you. I never play multiplayer. I like SP mode and then move on to the next game (I get so many games from PS+ free games and i just cant keep up). Multiplayer is a waste of time and effort

I'm mostly like you, I'm a predominantly single player guy. But, I do like the option of playing multiplayer, if it's well done and my style. I've played a lot of multiplayer, didn't play any of them for long, except 1... Gears of war 2 multiplayer had me and my bro and a cousin hooked for about 2 years... It was a very good time. I agree with both views, but it all comes down to personall preference of course!