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thismeintiel said:
kowenicki said:
Gotta deflect those games coming to Xbox ONE first somehow huh? How about we look at the game for what it is, rather than what it isn't for a change?

Cant wait to play this... luckily as a ONE owner I wont have to.

It'll be worth the wait, since I'll be playing it in full 1080p glory.    And probably with a few bits of exclusive content.

Mr Puggsly said:

Dead Rising 3 is an open world game, those generally aren't the most visually impressive games. Having hundreds of zombies on screen at once is also pretty taxing on resources.

I agree Dead Rising 3 doesn't look next gen... when you ignore what make that game a technical achievement. Simply put, you can't point to a more technically impressive open world game on consoles.

Infamous:SS says hello.  Also, 100s of zombies on screen isn't that impressive when they have very basic AI AND aren't all active at the same time.

@ OP

It is strange that this game isn't 1080p.  From the vids I have seen, this game doesn't exactly look graphically demanding, nor do the maps look incredibly large.  Just another game to add to the list of games that demonstrate the power difference, I guess.  And while some try to say only fanboys care about resolution and FPS performance, I think sales say otherwise.

Not having competitive multiplayer or coop multi is more damaging to me. Also They are different games, I rather DR3 focus on the multiple costumes and vehicles variations and zombie variation than focus solely on beauty of the walls. People like games like DR3 and other people like games like Infamous. Graphics alone don't make a game fun, content does. Infamous has more graphics while DR3 has more content choose what you like.