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Rogerioandrade said:
It´s really dissapointing what developers are doing with multiplayer games.
Local multiplayer is dying. It´s just a shame. Online multiplay will never be as fun as local.

I disagree depending on the case. I feel for shooters, and racing games, especially, online multiplayer or LAN is the way to go. Splitscreen in my person opinion is never really that fun, it always feels too clustered and the other player screens get really distracting.

Local multiplayer is not an easy thing to do, for some games it's simple, like fighting games, but I was playing Mario 3D Worlds with a friend yesterday and it just felt a lot more frustrating than it needed to be, which is why I assume they added the bubble function. But the bubble I think is just a band-aid to the problem as opposed to acutally fixing the issues I have with the LM. I think in general that's the overall problem for most games unless you want to structure your entire game around LM, like an arcade game, you have to implement compromises.