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pearljammer said:

Yes, I am. First of all, I said ''relatively" limited budget. It didn't break me. I was at student at the time, I was working part time, so I had a bit of extra cash to spend. **and to be fair, I sold my launch PS3 on ebay ( shamelessly for $1200 =) ), only to buy a $600 one in Feb '07.

As I said, I wanted SOME next gen gaming, wanted an HD movie player, eventually wanted FFXIII and had little interest in what the 360 offered at the time (sure if blue dragon/lost odyssey were out at the time, I may have went the other way). So this makes me a fool? As well as 5 million other people? Surely some, if not many, of them are fools. But to make such a blanket statement as you have and continue to stand by, generalizing 5 million people without knowing their jusifications for their purchases, calling them names (fools) and then complain in other threads where people call you names, asking for them to be banned (which I beleive you were in the right) is nothing less than being hypocritical, is it not?

I apologize if I come off as a jackass here, I just don't appreciate being generalized nor, like you, being needlessly called names.

I apologize for the generalisation, it was not my intention to specifically call anyone a fool.

In a thread about Sony's arrogance I simply tried to highlight one of their choice quotes.

If you know anyone with a 360, borrow it and rent lost odyssey.  Its awesome. 

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