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The only time I play online multiplayer is on some racing games. GT6 and NFS most wanted most recently. (Didn't bother with online in NFS: Rivals)

Single player or local multiplayer with the kids is how I play everything else. I usually play twice through a good campaign. Second time on easy to see the story flowing better and explore what I missed without worrying about health and ammo. ND games are an exception where I do another play-through on hard.

I briefly touched Far cry 3 online coop, it fell far short from the experience the rest of the game provides. Before that Uncharted 2 mp, tried it one night, didn't like it. Killzone 2 couple of nights. Didn't bother with Killzone 3 mp. The only online experience that kept me interested for a few weeks was Resistance 2 8 player coop. And as Mikeanheath just said, that was basically for the leveling up, not sure if I actually enjoyed it :/

Actually I did use co-op in Dark souls to get by bosses and get easy souls. More out of necessity than fun, the unwanted invasions were a pain and some of the boss fights were ruined by the unmatched co-op pairing.
Online multiplayer worked for me in Journey, that's something at least.