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BaldrSkies said:

If you want to talk about a game bombing due to being put on the wrong platform, Toushin Toshi comes to mind. I think it would have sold double on Vita. Major blunder by Imageepoch in terms of reading demographics.

See, there's no evidence of this... Toushin Toshi did 23k first week. That's more than what Exstetra did on 3DS and Vita FW combined, and as much as Conception II did also FW on both platforms combined. Where's the evidence of this "bombing" or being capable of selling better on Vita ? Is it just the belief that anything "otaku" can sell better on it, regardless of how it's done or the difference in install bases ? And even if this were the case, does it mean that by the same logic every 3rd party platformer should be on a Nintendo platform no matter the situation of said platform ?

Love Plus and Senran Kagura have already proven how 3DS can sell niche software directed at "otaku", beyond what Toushin Toshi did. This should be enough to at least give the benefit of the doubt to the platform here.

All this aside, the choice of platform for Toushin Toshi or Soni Pro might not had been up to ImageEpoch, but the respective IP owners. And/or, ImageEpoch might have chosen 3DS as the platform to focus on from the start, as they have an SRPG game in development that could very well end up on 3DS, like the Luminous Arc games were on DS.