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alabtrosMyster said:
Slimebeast said:


So it's not a mith.

Personally I am very unhappy with the horsepower of PS4 and Xbone. I'm in the process of going back to PC gaming because next gen graphics on consoles are so underwhelming.

Xbox 360 beated almost every high end PC when it was released. I member buying a Radeon X1900XT GPU for $650 back in Spring of 2006 and still the Xbox 360 was just as powerful. Oblivion looked almost better on Xbox 360 than it did on my PC.

In comparison, today, my Radeon R9 290 ($400) PC is miles ahead the PS4 in grafix quality.

Top of the line GPUs always outperformed the 360, the problem is that on high settings you got graphical candies not available on the 360... and obviously people tried to run it in higher resolution on their PCs back then too...unfortunateky there was no serous comparison sites back then

what the 360 GPU had was a more advanced architecture than other GPUs of the time (more flexibility with shaders, which was a big deal back then) but since it runs at only 800mhz it did not have the raw power to outclass high end GPUs...

The only similar situation I see with current consoles it the PS4 with the unified pool of gddr5 + huma, it's a feature not yet available on high end PCs that can make it punch above its percieved weight! (all good consoles have something like that)

 - NES scrooling and sprite movement is hardware accelerayed (smooth)

- SNES: mode 7 chip, great audio chip (1990/991)

 - PS1: basic 3D acceleration (1994)

- N64: better 3d accel than on consumer PCs at time of release

- PS2: emotion engine was actually pretty fast back in 2000

- og xbox: 64MB of unified ram (was great for a console + relatvely strong gpu as well...)

Ummm you would never want GDDR5 for your main RAM in a PC as it doesn't work as well for things other than Graphics.  Thats why GPU's have their own GDDR5 memory directly on the GPU itself to utilize and why people don't just buy 16GB of GDDR5 for their main RAM pool in the PC.