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fighter said:
osed125 said:
fighter said:
osed125 said:

So the government killing civilians is democratic?

That's what you said also last time and thank go it ended up being filmed by a foreign crew and properly denounced as staged.

The fact the International press is being very careful about this is quite significant. The fact US administration and Venezuelan administration are blaming each other is also a reflection of your previoysly failed coup.

Notice how isolated the US declarations are ? Mmmm ?

Notice how scarce the supposed revolt is ? Mmmm ?

Notice how well equipped they are ? Mmmmm ?


Seems pretty clear to me.

First I don't remember ever talking to you, second, being filmed by foreigners, what drugs are you into? 

So...the videos and images that are in the OP are all a lie? created by the opposition? People dying on the streets are a lie? Don't give me that BS. I have family and friends there telling me all this. The revolts are all over the country, there are multiple places where the revolts are unlike Kiev.

How well equipped they are? what the fuck are you even talking about?

If you are unaware of the failed coup and the documentary "the revolution will not be televized" then you are in no position to even dicuss current events.

And by "you" you should have understood the plural "you" (what drugs prevented you from understanding such basic english ?)

The images show a very scarce crowd. The four deaths are not even linked to government troops but to mercenaries (which could like last time be hired by the opposition). There are even reports of the same bullets being used to kill a military and a protester.

They are equipped well enough to have national media broadcasting channels that support them since a decade now without having a balanced budget. Who pays the journalists ? The opposition parties are also being financed by US interests.

Yes im in the right to talk about the situation. My uncle saw 2 students getting shoot, he and the rest of my family and friends are the best proof ill need (i also experienced the same when i lived there)

If you can't trust anything that's on TV or social media then in Kiev nothing is happening, the Egypt manifestation was a lie and well as in Libia...

There's really no point in fighting people like you. 

Nintendo and PC gamer