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kupomogli said:
osed125 said:
kupomogli said:
Is the US military going to do anything about this or no?

They didn't do anything on Egypt nor Libia a couple of years ago. Don't see them doing anything here either.

Start spreading rumors that the country has a large untapped oil reserve.  That's why the US attacked Iraq, even if they say it's for other reasons.

I guess all we can hope is that it passes over quickly and doesn't escalate.

A) No that wasn't why the US attacked Iraq.  The USA didn't even end up getting a lot of the Iraqi oil.  It mostly went to the Chinese.

B) Venezuela does have a shit ton of oil... and it's not a secret.  It's part of the huge mismangement of the country under Chavez and Maduro, because they more or less gave the stuff away to countries they liked like Cuba.  

The Venezulian people could be rich... the problem is...  Having a poor underclass that requires government handouts makes a more consistant voting block for a socialist government party.