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Oh - the AMD Jaguar was created with NETBOOKS in mind.

A current Midrange PC keeps ups with both PS4 and Xone. Both don't offer 2K, 4K, Oculus-Rift or NVidia-GSync support.

Just make a fakt check: you won't get consoles for less then the half of the price of a comparable PC anymore. The difference is about 100 or 150 bucks.

An N64 was about 4 TIMES cheaper than a comparable PC. The PS3 and Xbox 360 where alsoat least 2 TIMES cheaper. And ALL of them where at launch date HIGH END.

Neither PS4 nor Xone can even touch a high end gaming PC. No way.

In four years high end smartphones and tablets will rival them. In two years low cost PCs will match and surpass them in graphics fidelity.

And when Nvidia-Gsync catches main stream - nobody wants anymore to play with stutter, tearing and input lag...